Age: 4 years
Sex: Male
Origin: Montana, unregistered

Ares is an incredible athlete and is the most experienced working dog in our kennel. He has been defending against predators his entire life. He ran off his first wolves as a four month old pup (with the help of an older dog), and has never stopped. Ares has protected me and my family during numerous bear encounters. He defended my husband and son against a charging Grizzly bear twice. He has even learned to guard against owls and ravens which can be a danger to chickens and young livestock. Ares is fast, agile, and has amazing stamina for a dog his size. His temperament is quiet and watchful, easy to train and handle. Kids love Ares, and he lets them crawl all over him with great patience. He also tends to tolerate other dogs more than many of his breed. Overall, he is a mellow guy who saves his aggression for the real threats.

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